Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads Services
Turning Impressions
into Profit

Becoming King of the Jungle with Amazon ads that turn heads
and catch your customers attention etc.

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Somebody Digital | Alan the pug Amazon Ads Somebody Digital | Alan the pug Amazon Ads Somebody Digital | Alan the pug Amazon Ads Somebody Digital | Alan the pug Amazon Ads Somebody Digital | Alan the pug Amazon Ads

Brands We've Optimised

Performance, guaranteed.
No asterisk.

  • Access high-intent shoppers with targeted ad solutions
  • Tailored ads across the Amazon ecosystem specific to your business’s needs
  • Track and iterate advertising based on data-driven decisions provided by our experts
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Somebody Digital | Performance, guaranteed.

Nü Skool Amazon Ads.

Advertising on Amazon goes beyond just slapping together a few images and copylines and hoping for the best. Utilizing data, we help optimise your ads to target your audience where they are at for ultimate ROAS. 

Somebody Digital | Nü Skool

And yes,
we can prove it.

Somebody Digital | Digital Marketing Agency

Hydralyte, optimised.

This supplement company approached us to help them tame their Amazon advertising inside the UK market. We did more than that, we helped make them a best seller.


  • 75% increase in revenue within two months of launching
  • Sold out on Amazon
Hydralyte, optimised.

Tools we like to use