
28th September 2018 by John Wilkes

The Machines are Learning: The Senior Marketer’s Developing Role in PPC

The Machines are Learning: The Senior Marketer’s Developing Role in PPC The machines are coming! Don’t worry too much, we aren’t predicting some sort of robot led, Terminator style apocalypse. But it is a serious question. Wh...

Somebody Digital

28th September 2018 by John Wilkes

International PPC: How to Increase Profitability in International Markets

International PPC: How to Increase Profitability in International Markets For many businesses creating an international marketing strategy is both a dream and nightmare rolled into one. Increasing profits, developing powerful...

Somebody Digital

27th September 2018 by John Wilkes

Ok Google, Tell Me About Voice Search Optimisation

Ok Google, Tell Me About Voice Search Optimisation Voice search has taken the world by storm. First with the release of Amazon’s Alexa device, closely followed by a similar offering from Google, Apple and others all seeking t...

Somebody Digital

13th September 2018 by John Wilkes

International SEO: How to Increase Profitability in International Markets

International SEO: How to Increase Profitability in International Markets If you’re a savvy business owner and have spotted a new market or looking at market expansion in overseas markets, then this post is for you. Internati...

Somebody Digital

16th August 2018 by John Wilkes

Senior Marketers: Will AI Marketing Steal Your Job?

Senior Marketers: Will AI Marketing Steal Your Job? Check any major digital marketing media site and you will see two letters being bounced around with vigour; AI, otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence. Amongst all the n...

Somebody Digital

25th July 2018 by John Wilkes

How to generate more and better leads through PPC

How to generate more and better leads through PPC Ask any group of marketing professionals what they think of lead generation Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising and you are likely to get mixed reviews. This is particularly true ...

Somebody Digital
