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Blog / SEO Insights: Tips To Deliver Great Results

Content IS King. But it’s not the only thing! Last week, Stephan Marais, Somebody Digital’s SEO Expert shared some valuable SEO business advice at the Figaro Digital Marketing Summit.

Here we share a summary of his top tips to help your content deliver better results.

Myth buster No. 1

Content on its own is not king. Without first crafting your strategy, good results are hard to deliver. Quality content will help drive visitors to your site but its just one part of a multi layered approach. Audience understanding and content optimisation are just two example parts of your strategy that will make your content work as hard as possible.

Know your audience

Spend time or work with experts to identify the persona profiles of your audience. Harnessing this knowledge will help you serve the best match content topics that will be top of your audience’s online search. Audience knowledge is the golden key that unlocks a successful strategy Insightful audience data will help you identify the strongest collection of Google keywords and the widest possible variation of associated words and terms you can use in your content. This is useful for both organic content or for a budget saving paid approach. Audience insight will also help you identify timing, format and the digital influencers your audience trust and respect. Backlinks from authority sites help attract the right customers to your website.

Competitor content & search volume research


This will help you discover what content is valued and also what content is just not worth creating. It also gives you the opportunity to think about future content trends or identify upcoming search topics giving your business a leading edge on the competition.

Value the effort involved in your content strategy but be patient!


Google tells us that organic search is 5 times more valuable than paid ads so the ROI is there – but it can take time. Make sure you are promoting your content across all your available owned channels – and where possible, your internal team are re-sharing across their owned platforms too.


Video engagement is still on the rise across B2B and B2C marketing. Research shows that creative and enticing video and imagery will help the engagement potential of any content.

Need to know more? Our strategic and systematic approach to SEO is helping businesses all over the world make their content work harder. Contact us for a free consultation.

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