
25th March 2024

Google March 2024 Core Update: What you need to know

Google threw a curveball on the 5th of March when the search engine launched its latest Core update, sending the internet into a frenzy. This particular update aligned with two other actions on Google’s part, namely a chang...

Somebody Digital

23rd January 2024

How SGE might impact monthly SEO services

When Google sneezes, SEO gets a cold. This is why the optimization world is as concerned about the looming Search Generation Experience that the megalith has been working on since early 2023. Here’s what you need to know abou...

Somebody Digital

16th August 2022 SEO will save us! It's hard to understate the value of SEO during challenging times

How to build an effective SEO strategy during challenging times

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the art and science of persuading search engines like Google to recommend your content as the best matched solution to an online search. The main benefit offered by SEO is tha...

Somebody Digital

1st June 2022 Effective marketing is difficult to get right for any startups! Here's our guide to help.

Effective marketing for B2B startups

Effective marketing is difficult to get right for any startups. Between budget limitations, creative inspiration and decisions about the best platforms and channels, B2B startups have a lot to juggle when making marketing pla...

Somebody Digital

6th May 2022 eBooks are a win-win.They give your audience valuable information and insights, in exchange for an opportunity to build a direct customer relationship

How to write and design engaging Ebooks

Why consider an eBook? eBooks for any business can be an effective marketing tool but for B2B businesses, eBooks are an excellent tool. Well written content with impactful design will present your business expertise, relevanc...

Somebody Digital

8th April 2022 Copywriting should be a healthy balance of data insights and eloquent writing, culminated into one masterful piece of copy.

SEO Copywriting: Science or an Art?

Way-back-when in a time when the meta keywords tag and link farms were a prominent fixture of the SEO landscape, things were a lot more cut-and-dry… with SEO Copywriting being hallmarked to be more of science. This rings tr...

Somebody Digital
