GA4 Migration
Case Study Blasting insights into GA4

Somebody Digital | Digital Marketing Agency
Somebody Digital | Migrated all 3 website

Migrated all 3 website

properties to Google Analytics 4

Somebody Digital | Created custom reports

Created custom reports

to ease the transition

Somebody Digital | No critical disruptions

No critical disruptions

to client tracking or reporting

Somebody Digital | Enriched data and tracking

Enriched data and tracking

allowing for deeper consumer insights

As a software-development company focused on helping organisations manage and secure their endpoints, our client needs to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to data and insights.

Using a 6-phase approach

we helped them execute a seamless data migration from Google Analytics Universal Analytics (GAUA) to the latest version of Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Somebody Digital | We started by conducting a comprehensive audit, in order to plan out the migration as seamlessly as possible, then set up a GA4 property alongside their existing GAUA property.

We started by conducting a comprehensive audit, in order to plan out the migration as seamlessly as possible, then set up a GA4 property alongside their existing GAUA property.

Working closely with their development team,

We setup all the relevant Google Tag Manager Events; connected data streams such as Google Ads and Google Marketing, among other sources; and thoroughly tested the new GA4 implementation to ensure that the data was collected accurately.

Somebody Digital | We started by conducting a comprehensive audit, in order to plan out the migration as seamlessly as possible, then set up a GA4 property alongside their existing GAUA property.

The successful implementation required custom parameters and events, as well as a

specific strategy to ensure data integrity

during and after the migration.

Somebody Digital | The successful implementation required custom parameters and events, as well as a
Somebody Digital | The successful implementation required custom parameters and events, as well as a
Somebody Digital | Our final step was to set up

Our final step was to set up

custom reporting

and do final checks on compliance.

Somebody Digital | Our final step was to set up